Sunday, January 26, 2020

Curcumin as an Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Agent

Curcumin as an Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Agent Several studies in recent years have demonstrated curcumin as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent  the presence of persistent inflammatory stimuli, which interrupt the physiological healing mechanisms. An ideal biomedical device for wound care should promote the complete regeneration of the injured tissue, effectively restore its  biological activity and aesthetic aspect, while reducing inflammation and preventing microbial invasion.1,2 Efforts for achieving this goal are leading to the replacement of traditional passive products with advanced ones.3 Among these, alginate-based dressings are attractive for their capability to release bioactive compounds and to maintain a moist environment around the wound, promoting tissue granulation and re-epithelialization.4-8Typically they are available in form of freeze-dried foams  or non-woven microfibers, though great research interest is nowadays devoted towards nanofibrous matrices. Inflammation is a physiological response to wounding and is required for wound healing to progress. However, excessive or inappropriate inflammation provides an ideal environment for bacterial infiltration and proliferation and may cause serious health problems. So, the prolonged inflammation characterizing the chronic wounds is a promising target for therapeutic interventions Active agents have been loaded in various of form of carriers such as foams,4 hydrogels,5 films,6 sponges,7 etc., and more recently in the form of polymeric nanofibers.3,8 These polymeric nanofibers have attracted special attention for use in wound dressings due to their very fine diameter, highly porous structure, and so on.1,9 A popular and inexpensive technique for fabricating polymeric nanofibers is electrospinning (ES).3 In particular, nanofibers produced by electrostatic spinning have high potentiality in the wound healing field because their porosity promotes nutrient transport and gas permeation, their morphological organization mimics the native tissue, and their mechanical properties can be engineered.5,9-11 The intrinsic high surface area of nanofibers is also attractive for the delivery of drugs and active agents.2,1 The large surface area of the fiber matrix allow for increased interaction with the tissue,  thereby serves as a substrate for the sustained delivery of bioactive molecules as well as to  modulate cellular functions during regeneration Nanofibers fabricated by ES have an extremely large specific surface area, high porosity, and good pore interconnectivity.10,11 These properties are very similar to the natural extracellular matrix structure that supports cell attachment and proliferation.12 It was found that active ingredients can be encapsulated directly into nanofibers by electrospinning a mixture solution containing an agent and a polymer.9,13 Because of their unique properties, the electrospun nanofibers can meet the ideal equirements for wound dressing in that they (1) promote a hemostatic phase, (2) provide a moist environment that stimulates wound healing, (3) protect the wound from bacterial penetration, (4) functionalize dressings by incorporating therapeutic agents, and (5) potentially leave no scars.1,14 The use of biopolymers capable of ES for wound dressing is becoming inevitable because they can generate safe environmental products and easily be washed of the wound surface.1,3 A variety of biopolymers such as PVA,3PLA,11poly(urethane),14  gelatin,15 chitosan,16 polycaprolactone (PCL),17 and some blends of these biopolymers have been electrospun and evaluated  for wound dressing. PCL is a semi-crystalline polymer well known for its nonimmunogenicity, slow biodegradability, and high  biocompatibility.17,18 Due to its non-toxic in nature and flexible mechanical properties, PCL is ideal material for wound dressing and tissue engineering.18,19 Although PCL nanofiber mat closely mimics the natural extracellular matrix, its hydrophobicity reduces cell attachment. addition of PEG in PCL result in   high cell affinity and porous surface of the nanofiber mats   and support cell  proliferation. Chrysin (5,7-dihydroxyflavone) is a natural flavonoid contained in many plant extracts [1]. Many polyphenolic compounds, including chrysin, are known to have multiple biological activities, such as anti-inflammation [2,3], anti-cancer [4,5], anti-oxidation [6,7], and estrogenic effects [6] Chrysin (5,7-dihydroxyflavone structure shown in Fig. 1), a flavonoid, is the main component of Oroxylum indicum ( Sun et al., 2006), which is one herbal medicine commonly used in China and other East Asian countries, and has been officially listed in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia for a long time (Editorial committee, 1999). Like other flavonoids, chrysin exhibits many biological activities and pharmacological effects, including antioxidant (Chaudhuri et al., 2007), anti-inflammatory (Fishkin and Winslow, 1997), anticancer (Habtemariam, 1997) and antihypertension (Villar et al., 2002). Chrysin also has the potential for clinical and therapeutic applications against the physiological and biochemical effects of aging (Chakraborty et al., 2009). In spite of these unique biological activities of curcumin, the in vivo stability and  bioavailablity of the molecule is very low Here we show that dressings constituted by electrospun nanofibers of sodium alginate containing lavender essential  oil are effective for the treatment of UVB-induced skin injuries. In vitro studies revealed that these entirely natural systems were  highly biocompatible and able to inhibit the proliferation of S. aureus. Together with antibacterial activity, the produced alginate based nanofibers expressed a remarkable anti-inflammatory efficacy that was demonstrated in vitro on lipopolysaccharide stimulated human foreskin fibroblasts, and in vivo on rodent model of UVB burns. In particular, a significant decrement of the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines was observed for both cells and animals. Interestingly, no marks of erythema were detected on the skin of the injured animals that were treated with the electrospun dressings, indicating that the treatment promptly stopped the inflammatory response. Differently from other topical preparations for the management of burn wo unds, the here described biomedical devices perform dual functions (antibacterial and anti-inflammatory) and, thus, have potentialities to fill the void of multifunctional dressings that the market is still facing The objective of this study was to develop curcumin loaded PCL nanofibers by the process of electrospinning and to evaluate  the biological activity of the curcumin loaded fibers using in vitro and in vivo methods. We investigated the feasibility of developing bead free curcumin loaded PCL nanofibers by controlling the elecrospinning parameters. The bioactivity of encapsulated curcumin in the nanofibers was investigated using various in vitro methods and comparisons were made against the corresponding PCL nanofibers. Finally, the in vivo efficacy of the curcumin loaded PCL fibers vs PCL fibers was evaluated using healing impaired diabetic mouse model. in view of the high level of oxidative stress and persistent inflammation associated with delayed  healing in diabetic wounds, the present study was conducted to investigate the temporal wound healing potential of topically applied curcuminin diabetic rats The increased oxidative stress is one of the most common complications for the delayed wound healing in diabetics [3]. Therefore, reduction/ termination of the persistent inflammation and elimination of free radicals by the introduction of an anti-inflammatory agent and antioxidant into the treatment of wounds could be an important strategy to improvehealing of diabetic wounds.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Frankenstein by Mary Shelly

In their chapter on ghosts in literature, Bennett and Royle propose that nineteenth century literature altered the widespread understanding of ghosts. The ghost now ‘move[d] into one's head. The ghost is internalised: it becomes a psychological symptom, and no longer a thing that goes bump in the night†¦ ‘ (p. 133). Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley certainly provides evidence for this argument that nineteenth century Gothic literature became more concerned with the haunted consciousness than the haunted house (Byron 2004: Stirling University). The tale like all Gothic works is concerned with the uncanny, and if we believed the popular representation of Frankenstein, we could be fooled into thinking that it is simply about a terrifying, grotesque monster. However, is this actually what Shelley's novel is about? By paying particular attention to chapter two in volume two of Frankenstein, and using Bennett and Royle's chapter on ghosts, I will consider to what extent Frankenstein can be described as a ghost story. Before we start to look at Frankenstein itself, we should first look at the context in which it was written. As is well known, Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein when travelling in Geneva with her husband Percy Bysshe Shelley and Lord Byron. In her preface to Frankenstein, Shelley tells the reader that ‘in the evenings we crowded around a blazing wood fire, and, occasionally amused ourselves with some German stories of ghosts†¦ ‘ She goes on to describe how ‘these tales excited us in a playful desire of imitation. [Percy Shelley, Lord Byron]†¦ and myself agreed to write each a story, founded on some supernatural occurrence' (Norton Anthology, p. 908). So before we have even read her tale, we know that she initially intended to write it as some form of ghost story. Did Shelley achieve her goal? Chapter two in volume two of Frankenstein does seem to provide evidence to the presence of the theme of the supernatural. This is the chapter in which Victor and his creature are reunited after Victor first ran away after bringing the creature to life because he was terrified by its horrific appearance. Prior to this, our only impression of the creature was very much a mysterious one; we knew him only by Victor's description of his hideous and deformed appearance. Now we get to ‘meet' him for ourselves, and our first impression may be that of shock; not because of his appearance (as of course we never really know what the creature looks like) but due to the eloquence with which he speaks. As Sparknotes summarise, ‘The monster's eloquent narration of events†¦ reveals his remarkable sensitivity and benevolence. ‘ The creature tells Victor of the pain and rejection he has had to suffer with great emotion; ‘All men hate the wretched; how then must I be hated, who am miserable beyond all living things! (Norton Anthology, p. 960). His expressive words show us that the creature is not a purely evil being, as Victor would have had us believe. The creature's appearance has an otherworldly attribute, simply because we never know and never will know what he actually looks like; we can only rely on Victor's and Walton's descriptions which may be biased, and so his appearance remains a secret. Nicholas Abraham ventures that ‘ghosts have to do with unspeakable secrets' (Bennett and Royle, p. 134). As we know, Frankenstein felt his secret of creating life was unspeakable to his family and friends – the only person he recounts his tale to is Walton (that the reader knows of anyway). On the other hand, Victor never constantly reiterates the creature's horrific appearance, and pays much less attention to the humane, sensitive side of the creature. This turns out to be a fatal and tragic mistake, as the creature's human characteristics turn out to be the most important; it is his humane side that becomes blackened by rejection of society, and causes the creature to kill Victor's family and friends and eventually, Victor himself. The way in which the creature appears before Victor in this chapter is also extremely eerie. He ‘bound[s] over the crevices in the ice' as an answer to Victor's call to the spirits. Victor pleads with them ‘Wandering spirits, if indeed ye wander, and do not rest in your narrow beds, allow me this faint happiness, or take me, as your companion, away from the joys of life' (Norton Anthology, p. 959). The fact that the creature's arrival comes when Victor is pleading for someone to carry him away from his worries by means of death could foreshadow who Victor's ‘saviour' will be. The creature also has a distinguishable effect on Victor when the two are reunited; he becomes the catalyst to cause Victor to become haunted only by his sheer animal hatred of the creature. As the creature approaches Victor, Victor describes how ‘anger and hatred had at first deprived me of utterance, and I recovered only to overwhelm him with words expressive of furious detestation and contempt' (Norton Anthology, p. 959). The creature has a ghostlike effect on Victor, as he causes him to become paralysed, not by fear however, but by his pure loathing for him. If we take this further, we could even venture to say that from the creature's animation right until Victor's death, the creature ‘initiates a haunting theme that persists throughout the novel-the sense that the monster is inescapable, ever present, liable to appear at any moment and wreak havoc' (Sparknotes). Victor constantly lives in fear from the appearance of the creature, and also fears that he will kill all his family and friends. The way in which Frankenstein is narrated also carries on this haunting theme. It is told through a series of multiple narratives, as if Shelley was trying to recreate the way in which scary stories are passed down through generations, and perhaps also how they change over time. A noteworthy example of the creature's haunting effect on Victor comes when the two are reunited on the glacier. Victor describes with horror the feeling that came over him as he ‘beheld the figure of a man†¦ advancing towards me with superhuman speed. ‘ He tells the reader that ‘I felt a faintness seize me; but I was quickly restored by the cold gale of the mountains. I perceived as the shape came nearer, (sight tremendous and abhorred! that it was the wretch whom I had created. I trembled with rage and horror†¦ ‘ (Norton Anthology, p. 959). Victor must have, on some level, expected a reunion with his creature at some point; he knew he could only run from him for so long. However, his guilt has haunted him from the creature's creation, and so it could be that the creature is simply the embodiment of all of Victor's guilt and remorse for acting like God. This could explain why he is overwhelmed with horror – not by the creature's appearance, but because now he has to face his guilt head on, which he has attempted to put out of his mind for so long. We should also observe that Victor says he was ‘restored by the cold gale of the mountains' (Norton Anthology, p. 959) when he feels faint. This is the chapter in which the theme of sublime nature becomes utterly important in regard to understanding Victor Frankenstein, his creature and their remarkable relationship (Sparknotes). The majestic scenery of nature affects Victor's moods, has the power to move him and remind him of good times and also bad times. In a striking example, he goes so far as to say that ‘these sublime and magnificent scenes afforded me the greatest consolation that I was capable of receiving' (Norton Anthology, p. 58). This comment may show that Victor takes greater comfort in God's creation, that is, nature, than his own family, to whom he has not told his awful secret, and thus a barrier has been created. Victor has chosen instead to isolate himself and take comfort from the inanimate and almost haunting scenes around him. The changing weather can also arouse in Victor his feelings of despondency. He remarks ‘†¦ the rain poured down in torrents, and thick mists hid the summits of the mountains. I rose early, but felt unusually melancholy. The rain depressed me; my old feelings recurred, and I was miserable' (Norton Anthology, p. 58). This could reveal that Victor's moods are ruled by some absent yet ever-present being – perhaps God. God is notable primarily by his distinct absence in the novel (Byron 2004: Stirling University). However, the way that Victor does not appear to have the power to control his own feelings could show us that he has lost some of his own life and vitality in creating the creature, and now leaves it up to the changing nature and weather to control his emotions. The place where Victor and his creature meet is also significant, as it first introduces the idea of the creature being Victor's doppelganger. The fact that they both meet at a rather random scene of beauty rather than an actual place could show that they are both isolate creatures, albeit that Victor is isolated because he chooses to be, and the creature because he has to hide from human eyes. The language that Victor uses indicates to the reader that he would prefer to be alone with his secret in nature than with other people. He uses phrases such as ‘solitary grandeur' and ‘terrifically desolate' (Norton Anthology, p. 958) to describe the scenes around him, and perhaps also his state of mind. The creature, like Victor, is affected by beautiful nature around him, and feels that ‘the desert mountains and dreary glaciers are my refuge,' (Norton Anthology, p. 960) which also reflects how Victor feels. The creature and Victor are both so at home in nature, which could stress that there is more to this relationship than meets the eye; are these two really so different? Many modern critics believe that the creature is Victor's doppelganger. In earlier Gothic literature, evil was generally located in an external source, but Frankenstein sees a turn inwards to a focus on the evil within ourselves (Byron 2004: Stirling University). Bennett and Royle propose that ‘conflicting senses of the word ‘ghost' suggest ghosts are both exterior and central to our sense of the human' (p. 132). The creature in Frankenstein is the embodiment of this confusion. While he is physically exterior, he also pervades Victor's consciousness. It has to be remembered that it was Victor who created the creature, and so perhaps the creature is Victor's doppelganger, as he is ‘the embodiment of an internal and irreparable division in the human psyche' (Byron 2004: Stirling University). It is possible to see that the gaps between Frankenstein and his creature are not as wide as we may have initially believed. However, while I do believe that Frankenstein is a ghost story to a very large extent, I do not think one could describe the tale of Frankenstein without, at some point, mentioning the genre of science fiction. While at once being Gothic and having the style of the German ghost stories that Shelley and her companions were reading on their travels, the story would have much less of an impact if it were not for the role that science plays in the book. Victor becomes obsessed by the secret of life in the book, and it is he who creates the ‘ghost' in the story, so it is not simply a case of the bogey man in Frankenstein. The creature challenges our way of thinking about ghosts because he was brought to life made of dead parts, as if life can spring from death with the use of science. So, while I would argue that the tale is most definitely a ghost story, I do not think that Frankenstein would have become such a literary classic if Shelly had not chosen to use the role of science to show us what can happen if we mere mortals meddle too much with God's prerogative.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Emotional Intelligence And The Health Care Setting

Emotional Intelligence is essential when it comes to communicating with a patient within a health care setting. Healthcare workers need to be able to exercise empathy and self-awareness when providing quality care to their clients. This essay will discuss the meaning of emotional intelligence, the different branches of it, and their importance in a health care setting. As well as this, the ways in which health care professionals use emotional intelligence, and why it is used, will also be discussed. Emotions can be defined as â€Å"organised responses,† that cross â€Å"the boundaries of many psychological subsystems, including the physiological, cognitive, motivational, and experimental systems.† Emotions will usually arise â€Å"in response to an event, either internal or external, that has a positive or negative meaning for the individual† (Salovey Mayer, 1990, p. 189). Intelligence can be defined as â€Å"the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his environment† (Wechsler, 1944, p. 3). When these two concepts are put together, emotional intelligence is created. Emotional intelligence can be defined as â€Å"the ability to monitor one s own and others feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one s thinking and actions† (Salovey Mayer, 1990, p. 189). Health care professionals use emotional intelligence on a daily ba sis, when communicating with patients, whenShow MoreRelatedUsing Emotional Intelligence to Communicate in a Health Care Setting1161 Words   |  5 Pageshealthcare worker uses emotional intelligence when establishing communication with a client in a health care environment, it is imperative to first have a clear understanding of what emotional intelligence is. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Immigration Reform A Very Touchy Subject - 858 Words

Immigration Reform Immigration reform is a very touchy subject. All lot of individuals are directly and indirectly affected by this issue. I am one of the individuals that has been directly affected by this issue. My father came here from Jamaica to make a better life for himself. He became a United States citizen in 1990. I’ve always looked up to my dad for his drive and tenacity to do better for himself and his family. Throughout this debate we will look at facts around the issue that supported my decisions to reform the immigration policy. One major issue that affected my decision was the cost that deportation would add to the U.S. Government. The United States is estimated to have 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. According to Berman by â€Å"[r]emoving all 11.2 million undocumented immigrants, both forcibly and through Mitt Romney s infamous self-deportation policy, would take about 20 years and cost the government between $400 billion and $600 bil lion† (Berman, 2015, para. 3). The 11 million undocumented immigrants is estimate and not a hard number. I believe there is a lot more undocumented immigrants that would raise estimated cost it would to deport all undocumented immigrants over that 20 year period. This is one of the reasons that I am against mass deportation of undocumented immigrants. With that being said amnesty comes with a different set of costs. Undocumented immigrants still pay taxes, but do not receive all the benefits that legalShow MoreRelatedOn The Issues: The Race for Virgina Governor1360 Words   |  6 PagesRepublican and Democrat contenders. The candidates were Republican Ken Cuccinelli, Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Libertarian Robert Sarvis. 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